Accredited Courses offered - 


Reiki Level 1, Reiki Level 2

Dive into the incredible world of Reiki! The accredited courses are designed to be taught in small groups to provide a personalised approach. 

Experience a profound attunement to Universal Life Force Energy. You will have a comprehensive manual to guide you on your journey.


What is Kinesiology? 

Kinesiology can balance your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental symptoms

It is based on the belief that the body is surrounded by 'Qi' or 'Chi' energy and that it produces its own energy. Eastern medicine has used 'energy' as the foundation for many centuries. 

Kinesiology will identify how much of this energy is moving through your body hence it determines the current state of your health.

Correcting the information or 'energy' acts as a catalyst for the body's biochemistry to start functioning again.

Why I fell in love with Kinesiology? The body is a fascinating sysytem that identifies and corrects imbalances . This means you do not have to understand all your symptoms and work out everything that is going on.

The body's self repair mechanisms suddenly switch on again!


Helping children & parents / carers with trauma through Kinesiology


The main role of a Kinesiologist is to uncover the cause of problems and suggest strategies to manage it. Anxiety and stress are the most common reasons why people see a Kinesiologist.

Anxiety can be triggered by an overactive nervous system, a biochemical imbalance or/and emotional stress & Kinesiology uses muscles as monitors of stress and imbalance within the body.

Kinesiology enables practitioners to detect and correct various imbalances that may relate to stress, nutrition, learning problems, minor injuries, and other issues the patient may meet in their daily life.

Kinesiology can help increase happiness, help you to manage emotional pain and reduce stress.


Does your child present any of the following behaviours?


  • Complains of an upset tummy or lack of energy
  • Struggles with temper tantrums
  • Has frequent colds and flu like symptoms
  • Finds it hard to build and formulate friendships
  • Has difficulty concentrating at school
  • Is excessively fearful when trying new things or has phobias
  • Experiences bed wetting often
  • Is very “sensitive” or emotional
  • Suffers from anxiety, panic attacks or extreme shyness
  • Attachment issues
  • Has trouble going to sleep or staying asleep


Children can find it difficult to communicate and say what they are feeling when they are overwhelmed, scared or anxious. This then could create thoughts of being unheard.

This may result in behavioural problems, learning difficulties and disorders in their physical bodies (stomach aches, digestion, colds, cravings, pain and skin disorders).

Kinesiology can help release these emotions and produce healthy boundaries to protect the gentle nature of your child so they can openly talk about their feelings and needs.

Children may have learning difficulties leading to stressful experiences, frustration, anger and disappointment.

Children may not be able to process, integrate and comprehend information. Kinesiology can help reset and release any emotional blocks in your child’s neural connections to assist their brain integration and skills to learn.

The brain and body are connected by a sensory motor loop and are forever working and affecting each other.

If our thoughts are HAPPY and POSITIVE the body will remain RELAXED and CALM, allowing us to better cope with new and existing experiences.

However, if our thoughts are FEARFUL and NEGATIVE, the body will TIGHTEN and become DISTRESSED. We can then become withdrawn in our learning, performance and day to day tasks

Kinesiology through the use of muscle monitoring can REDUCE the STRESS held within the body/brain system and allow positive changes



What is IHT therapy about?


What are emotions? What is good and bad about them? Emotions are essentially the basis of every action we take in our lives. Do I eat this ice-cream now or later? Will I put on weight if I have it? Do I save it for a treat day? Is the sugar bad for me? And on and on our thoughts go.

However, if we really go within ourselves and tune in, we find that it brings up various feelings & emotions, and actually somebody only asked you if you wanted an ice-cream!

Sometimes these feelings and emotions can have a major impact on how we react in situations, how we relate to others in the work situation or within our family. When somebody says something to us, what is it triggering off in you? What upset you? Why? Is it because something happened to you in the past or is it because that is all you have ever known or is your reaction based on other peoples beliefs such as your parents /teachers etc.

In my therapy sessions we will initially go through an in-depth consultation where we can discuss together your current issues you are dealing with and why it is you want help.

Over the years I have had clients struggling with; grief, anxiety, stress, depression, not feeling a “part of life anymore” and feeling very disconnected with everyone around them. Through my practise and experience over the years with people from all backgrounds and age groups I have realised that coaching, providing techniques & talking through the issues helped people from all circumstances.

However when this therapy is combined with a healing energy balancing technique then both my client and I felt a greater shift in their outlook. I believe that our thought patterns can be altered by our thinking & what we ‘hold’ in our aura and chakras and meridians. Therapies such as Kinesiology, Homeopathy and Accupunture also work on this fundamental aspect of energy balancing.

I find that the majority of us are ungrounded and are either living in the past or future & our hours & minutes of the day are spent in this state. But what about now? Right this minute? Once you are grounded you will be able to make better decisions and choices with a clearer view.

My therapy is about balancing your Physical, Mental & Spiritual wellbeing.

Therefore I am bringing you a new way of thinking! Initially my clients have regular sessions & now are in a position to book a session when they feel things are falling back or something new has entered into their life, but I am pleased to say that they come back only a few times a year or some even after years!

Success for me is when my clients have their inner smile back again and are back on their track to discover their own potential. I am merely assisting you to view and feel the world in a different way.

So, going back to the ice-cream question, your reply could be

“Yes, I will have that today because I can feel it’s the right thing to do today & right now…. not tomorrow or tonight!”

Or “Right now if I check into my body actually, I don’t want it at the moment.”

It’s being assertive enough to others and ourselves to stick to the decisions we want to make! Claim your power back and empower yourself.


Love and Light Mala